Dealing Charges

We have listed the current dealing charges for our various range of products below. These charges change periodically, in line with the published terms and conditions for each product or range of products listed. 


If you have any questions relating to these charges, please contact the Dealing team:



Passport Series

Single Premium, Annual Premium and Half Yearly Premium policies

Plan Currency Charges
US$ 9.95
Euro (€) 11.35
£ 6.65



Monthly Premium policies

Plan Currency Charges
US$ 14.85
Euro (€) 17.10
£ 10.05



Passport Range & Clones

Plan Currency Charges
US$ 10.15
Euro (€) 8.65
£ 6.75
HK$ 80.75



Flexible Savings Plan

Plan Currency Charges
US$ 11.05
Euro (€) 11.05
£ 7.40
HK$ 92.25



Personalised Portfolio Bonds

Plan Currency Charges
US$ 85.50
Euro (€) 85.50
£ 57.00



These charges are correct as at July 1st 2024