Flexible Inheritor Plan

Flexible Inheritor Plan

The Flexible Inheritor Plan is a single premium unit-linked whole of life policy.

The FIP permits owners to access collective investment schemes and other UK compliant investments. It also allows the owner to appoint a Discretionary Manager, who must adhere to the investment restrictions.

The FIP is not surrenderable although regular withdrawals of capital are permitted.

Upon death of the life assured (or the second to die of the lives assured in the case of joint Policyholders), the policy pays the death benefit. The Death Benefit is equal to the GMSA.

Basic Features

Investments Collectives/UK Assets/Discretionary Managers
Withdrawals Yes - No minimum defined. Part surrenders, subject to the bond maintaining the GMSA after payment of the part surrender
Death Benefit Guaranteed Minimum Sum Assured applies
Surrender The bond is not surrenderable
Assignments Yes - individual segments or whole policy
Additional Charges Investment Adviser - no max/min defined
Additonal notes -
Segments This product has a guaranteed minimum sum assured (GMSA) of the whole bond and therefor segment surrenders or assignments do not occur, only a withdrawal across all segments if the policy value is above the GMSA.
Charges Charges will be deducted quarterly on policy anniversary based on the policy value.
Minimum Policy Value Undefined
Policy Currency GBP
Adviser assigned Ongoing adviser charges deducted quarterly
No Advisors Brokers / Self Advised only based on the data provided.