International Investment Bond

International Investment Bond

The International Investment Bond is made up of one or more identical single premium unit-linked whole of life assurance policies.

The bond is permitted to invest into non-UK incorporated and resident private companies and is entitled to purchase the entire amount of shares in issue.

The ongoing policy fees are paid via a loan from the privately-held company under a duly executed loan agreement. No interest is payable on these loans.

The bond permits the appointment of an Investment Adviser.

The bond also permits regular withdrawals and part-surrenders, subject to sufficient cash or liquid assets being available.

Basic Features

Investments Private Companies/Open Architecture
Withdrawals Yes
Death Benefit Surrender Value
Surrender Surrender Value
Assignments Yes - individual policies only
Additional Charges -
Additional notes Administration fees are taken from the Privately held companies upon request via a no-interest loan facility. All fees will be deducted the Cash Account upon transfer.
Minimum charge value Minimum applied to a policy, but is equal to its existing fixed amount.
Policy Currency GPB
Adviser assigned Brokers / Self Advised only. No Advisors.
Charges Will be deducted quarterly on policy anniversary based on the policy value.