Passport Series With-Profits Funds MLA-Free Options

MLA-Free Options - Only applicable to Wealthbuilder Plan

A market level adjuster (MLA) may apply at any time during the investment term of a Passport Guaranteed Growth Fund (GGF). However, at the end of the contract term an MLA will not apply. 


There are two options available to you at the end of the Wealthbuilder Plan contract term.


What are my options?


1. Take an MLA-free lump sum withdrawal 

At maturity, the accumulated fund contract value is paid out without any further charges deducted, including an MLA. 


For regular premium plans which run their full term, the following bonuses will also be paid: 


Policy Term% of Fund Value at Maturity
5-9 years1%
10-14 years2%
15-19 years4%
20+ years6%


2. Invest the proceeds into another contract 

RL360 provides offshore savings, protection and investment products to expats and local nationals around the world. For example, our Regular Savings Plan product is an affordable and flexible solution for those who want to save for their future.


We only offer our products through financial advisers; they have the knowledge and experience to help you get clear about exactly what your needs and goals are, and can then recommend a product that will deliver them. So start by having a chat with your financial adviser and ask them about the current RL360 product range.